My Top 5 Games For 2019

Hey Everybody,

I have been MIA for over a full year and my goodness it feels great to be writing again. I have had a ton of craziness happen in this past year and a big reason why I haven’t posted anything in such a long time is because of my new job and as well being distracted with personal relationships and such. Its all a bit much to explain here so I created a new page on where I will be posting up personal thoughts behind the scenes to explain whats going on in my life while I am writing the main gaming blog posts here. So please feel free to check in on that page if you’re interested in catching up with me.

But for my return to the blog I decided to do a list because quite frankly there are just too many new video games I am just above and beyond excited about for next year and I think they will all be AAA gaming experiences, so I had to narrow it down to 5. Without further ado here are my top 5 video games that I’m most excited for in 2019.


1. Anthem

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Anthem was announced back in 2017 during the Microsoft presentation at E3. The reveal trailer was saved for last since it was going to be playable on Xbox One X (their newly revealed 4k console at the time), and the response was incredibly positive. There have been multiple trailers and development videos released which go into more detail about the game and its 4 main classes or “Javelins” explaining how varied and they are from one another. The game will feature a large open world environment where you can fly, dash, fight, and explore cooperatively with your bros. In addition the game will feature extensive amounts of customization and loot drops. The more I see this game the more hyped I am to play it.

Anthem will be available in February 2019.  If you are interested in investing some time to learn more about the game there is a hefty 50 min video on the gear a progression systems in Anthem. I left the video link down below. And the game awards trailer is above. Enjoy.


2. Devil May Cry 5


The Devil May Cry series has been a staple in the hack and slash video game genre and I have been a long time fan since the PS2 days. When I first saw the DMC5 trailer I could not be more excited to see the return of Nero. I was ecstatic. Then when more trailers dropped I found out you can play as Dante as well and another new character simply named V I went ballistic. There hasn’t been a real DMC sequel in so many years and I feel like we were finally due for a new one.  DMC5 will feature a new co-op mode, new and original characters, large boss battles, and a shiny new photo mode.

Devil May Cry 5 appears to be gritty, dark and somehow colorful, full of exaggerated cut-scenes, and stuffed to the brim with hyper stylized action. I cannot wait to get back into that hack and slash combo realm. DMC5 will be available on March 8th 2019.


3. DOOM Eternal

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My goodness is it just me or is there just something so flipping cool about slaying demons and shutting down the forces of evil? This theme of good vs. evil never seems to die out and I could not be more hyped about it. DOOM (2016) is getting a rightfully deserved sequel: DOOM Eternal and it is hugely EPIC. Not only is it promised to run buttery smooth on all platforms but it also features a fully upgraded and overhauled Doom Slayer and a new fleshed out universe to discover.

Doom Slayer now features upgraded armor with a blade attached to the forearm, a shoulder mounted cannon/flamethrower, and that classic double barrel shotgun with a bayonet/ grapple hook combination. There are also new redesigned weapons and visuals as well. Honestly Doom Slayer has never looked this cool. The new upgrades and polished visuals show him taking down demons in a satisfying and brutal display of pure badassery. As a long time DOOM fan this will be a DAY 1 purchase for me. There is no official release date for DOOM Eternal.

4. The Division 2

Division 2 pic 1

The Division 2 is finally coming out next year and for many other division agents like myself the hype is real. It will now be set in a destroyed version Washington DC and feature new bases and real life landmarks. Division 2 looks more crisp than its predecessor and appears to be addressing all major issues with the previous game. As well there will be much more end game support to extend the life of the game and introduce players to raids.

I’ve been excited for Division 2 since the very first reveal trailer at E3 2017. It looks awesome and it appears Ubisoft is improving upon what already made the first one so great. I think 2019 will be a big year for third person looter-shooter games which are always a fun time with friends. Side note: I am not a fan of the scripted non organic dialogue between players in the video, but the game play is awesome. Division 2 will be available on March 15th 2019.

5. Last Of Us 2 

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And finally we have The Last Of Us 2. Last Of Us was such an incredibly well written and developed video game and in my opinion should be considered a gaming masterpiece. Its upcoming sequel appears to be following in its footsteps. The game’s trailer reveals a much more shockingly dark tone this time around and features far more brutal and borderline disturbing game play and cut-scenes. Ellie seems to be in the spotlight as the main protagonist and will go up against a new cult like group of enemies.

I expect nothing less than pure genius and phenomenal story telling in this new sequel. It should be another stellar entry to the amazing playstation exclusive library.

And there you have it, my top 5 games list for 2019. I should put it out there that there are  so many more games I wanted to add but this post would have taken days to finish. So here is an honorable mentions list for other games that I will probably still get any way because they look amazing too.

Honorable mentions:

1.Resident Evil 2 Remaster

2.Halo Infinite

3.Days Gone

4.Rage 2

5. Far Cry: New Dawn

6. Mortal Kombat 11

Thanks for reading up to this point I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday this week and stay posted for more 2018 games I need to talk about because holy cow there are a lot of them. Have a good night.




One thought on “My Top 5 Games For 2019

  1. Great!!! Welcome back…

    On Sat, Dec 22, 2018, 19:42 Inside A Gamer’s Life insideagamerslife posted: “Hey Everybody, I have been MIA for almost a > full year and my goodness it feels great to be writing again. I have had a > ton of craziness happen in this past year and a big reason why I haven’t > posted anything in such a long time is because of my new job a” >


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